PISTOLS 1-2-3 Package Deal
PISTOLS 101: Safety and Confidence -
This class
will instill the confidence you need to choose, purchase and handle a
pistol. You will also learn how to defend the loved ones in your home,
should the need arise. It benefits shooters of all skill levels. You will
become confident in the basics of safe gun handling, grip, stance, sight
alignment, sight picture, breathing and trigger press, while introducing you to
the concept of "dry practice." By the conclusion of this class,
you will be able to fire a laser "bullet" at your target. Prerequisite: NONE.
No experience;
bring your semi-auto pistol if you have one!
202: Confidence and Proficiency -
This class will expand upon the
skills you learned in “Science of the Shot - 101”. There, you learned to defend your loved ones
at home. In 202, you will take those
skills outside the home. Discover what
makes a “safe” holster, how to safely present from the holster (“draw”),
tactical and emergency magazine reloads, and how to remedy various
malfunctions. By the conclusion of this class, you
will draw from the holster and fire a laser “bullet” that really knocks down cans.
Prerequisite: PISTOLS 101. Bring your semi-auto pistol if you have one!
303: "Live Fire" Proficiency and Marksmanship -
By the conclusion of this class, you will confidently
fire sub-caliber ammunition into the bullseye area. These 303 Workshops are
low-noise, low-recoil Idaho and Washington pistol
training classes for those who have already demonstrated safe gun handling in
our 101 & 202 Classes. Join the thousands of military and police who, using the Lone Wolf
Glock variant, have improved their timing, accuracy and muscle memory (click HERE
for just one example; be sure to watch the videos, too!). As you fire our licensed Walthers, 1911's or
G17 “Timber Wolf”, you will develop tight-shot groups with sub-caliber
ammo. This pistol sights, feels, fires
and resets exactly like a standard Glock with only a fraction of the
recoil. Plastic .24 caliber ammunition
travels at 1/3 the muzzle velocity of its 9mm lead counterpart, enabling you to
shoot comfortably for hours without noise and stress!
We review all facets of 101 and 202, practice clearing the
various malfunctions ("jams"), and movement while shooting. 303
provides an ideal opportunity to safely practice the 5-point presentation
(“draw”) from the holster as we evaluate the placement of your shots on
target. Class includes guns, targets,
ammo and safety gear. Wear pants, a
button-up shirt, sturdy leather belt, and a baseball cap. We have a "Bulls-Eye" Guarantee! Prerequisite: PISTOLS 101 and
202. Class size: 6-20 students, by
appointment; call to schedule. $59.
You are
encouraged to bring a pistol, although it is not a
requirement. We also provide safety
gear; be sure to wear a baseball cap and a sturdy leather belt, full width of
your belt loops. For liability purposes,
you must
keep your guns in your vehicle until instructed otherwise; bring no ammo! We teach you the subtle differences of the
various styles; by actually using and handling them, you will identify and
develop your own preferences. Save
hundreds of dollars in wasted ammo!
Class size: 6-20 students.
Minimum age is 14.