TRIPLE (or more) Your Food Production for only $75!
FOOD is Essential to Preparedness!
The Spring of 2022 has unveiled more challenges to our food supply than ever before. Runaway inflation causes higher prices. Genetically Modified Foods bring unkown health risks. Plants grown with poisons in the actual seeding process are killing our pollinators. Constant bombardment by HAARP and 5G telecommunications have contributed to an alarming decline in honeybee populations.
When I started keeping bees in 1976, it was a relatively inexpensive hobby that reaped huge rewards (120 lbs of honey per hive) for minimal effort. When I grew it to over 100 hives, I could anticipate - in a "bad" year - losing 2, possibly 3 colonies per year through winter loss.
Today, hive losses easily exceed 50% among most beekeepers, and 100% hive death is not uncommon.
The "Deck Is Stacked" Against Home Gardeners!
A package or mini (Nucleus) hive has been selling this year for as much as $200. Woodenware, equipment and clothing can tally up to over a thousand bucks without even spending an equal amount on honey extracting equipment. Finally, there is NO substitute for experience which, even today, can be a crapshoot. Leasing a Garden Hive for only $75 is a Real Deal!
According to the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum (, "Many of the foods and crops we rely on need or, at the very least, benefit from bee pollination. Here's a list of some of those crops:
Alfalfa - Almonds - Apples - Asparagus - Beans - Beets - Blackberries - Blueberries - Brussels sprouts - Buckwheat - Cabbage - Cantaloupe - Cauliflower - Celery - Cherries - Chestnuts - Chives - Clover - Cranberries - Cucumber - Currants - Eggplant - Flax - Garlic - Gooseberries - Grapes - Horseradish - Kale - Lettuce - Mustard - Onions - Parsley - Peaches - Pears - Plums - Pumpkins - Radishes - Raspberries - Rhubarb - Squash - Strawberries - Sunflowers - Sweet potatoes - Turnip - Watermelon . . ."
- See any you like?
A World-Wide Problem!
Here, in the U.S., we have Migratory Beekeepers that truck thousands of colonies cross-country every year for pollination of the above-listed crops. With fuel prices, parts shortages and labor costs, how long will that system last? Perhaps we should look at China's solution to those issues: Migrant Pollinators! That's right; thousands of Chinese workers, armed with tiny artist's brushes, dusting the pollen from flower to flower among the thousands of blossoms on EACH tree in an orchard, struggling to keep up with the fruit and vegetable blooms as they literally crawl northward through China.
Our LOCAL Solution -
Affordably Lease LOCAL, Home-Garden sized Pollination Hives from us!
Russ & Jeanne have been small organic farmsteaders for over 50 years with gardening and animal husbandry experience - including beekeeping! We are constantly experimenting with new ways to improve our breeding stock of North Idaho honeybees. You help us by exposing them to your unique microclimate and local bee genetics. We help you by turning a mediocre crop into an abundant one. Here's how it works:
Contact us with your info, including name, tel # and address, by emailing HooDoo (at); put "Lease Bees" in the subject line.
We will make up a lightweight mini-hive, complete with easy directions, for you to pick up some evening and place near your garden.
The next morning, your bees will be out exploring and pollinating your local flora (place a chair nearby to watch them bring pollen in!).
Hives are sized to be efficient and productive for 3-4 weeks, so your lease is good for a month.
It's that simple; fill your pantry today!
Thanks & Blessings -
Russ & Jeanne
Hoof-Hen-Honey Organic Farm