As of this point, we're not planning to incubate. We've discovered that (at least, "many") commercial hatcheries vaccinate "in ovo". This "vaccination" causes them to lay sterile eggs as adults This results in a hatch rate, in their progeny, of about 20% rather than the "normal" 85% or better. Many of our heritage birds could be traced back to these, which meant that we'd start incubating 100 eggs, and maybe wind up with 20 chicks. This about broke our bank! Think about it - if you rec'd 2 dozen chicks from us last year, over ONE HUNDRED eggs had to be destroyed to get you those 24. That was both economically unsound and emotionally heartbreaking.
Some of our hens got broody as early as mid-January, 2025. We may sell surplus mama-raised "survivor" chicks (straight run, $8 each), so check back starting in May!
As of this point, we're not planning to incubate. We've discovered that (at least, "many") commercial hatcheries vaccinate "in ovo". This "vaccination" causes them to lay sterile eggs as adults This results in a hatch rate, in their progeny, of about 20% rather than the "normal" 85% or better. Many of our heritage birds could be traced back to these, which meant that we'd start incubating 100 eggs, and maybe wind up with 20 chicks. This about broke our bank! Think about it - if you rec'd 2 dozen chicks from us last year, over ONE HUNDRED eggs had to be destroyed to get you those 24. That was both economically unsound and emotionally heartbreaking.
Some of our hens got broody as early as mid-January, 2025. We may sell surplus mama-raised "survivor" chicks (straight run, $8 each), so check back starting in May!
GENESIS 41:26 - Preparedness in the Bible
Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. 26 The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years; it is one and the same dream. 27 The seven lean, ugly cows that came up afterward are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind: They are seven years of famine.
28 “It is just as I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. 29 Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, 30 but seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land. 31 The abundance in the land will not be remembered, because the famine that follows it will be so severe. 32 The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon.
Interested in Preparedness Training? Scroll Down!
Without "comms", you may be beyond help, literally.
Two way radios can save your life, so get some NOW.
I teach classes in their basic use, and strongly suggest TWO of Am@zon's BaoFeng UV-5R ($20)
radios per person, plus a Nagoya brand 771 or 771R ($18) antenna as a minimum.
These have FRS, GMRS, MURS and HAM bands. You'll have fun while learning!
Scroll down to see:
400 Free Survival Books and Manuals
Top 50 Herbs (and Herb-Like Plants) to Feed Your Chickens
Without "comms", you may be beyond help, literally.
Two way radios can save your life, so get some NOW.
I teach classes in their basic use, and strongly suggest TWO of Am@zon's BaoFeng UV-5R ($20)
radios per person, plus a Nagoya brand 771 or 771R ($18) antenna as a minimum.
These have FRS, GMRS, MURS and HAM bands. You'll have fun while learning!
Scroll down to see:
400 Free Survival Books and Manuals
Top 50 Herbs (and Herb-Like Plants) to Feed Your Chickens
www.PistolProf.com ~ HANDGUNS ~ PISTOLS COURSE ONE: Gun Carry Safety, Competence and Confidence Click HOME Page Above for Details! Includes CARRY PERMIT Training Certificate. M/F, Age 13+, Bring snack, drinks, brown bag lunch, reading glasses, safety glasses, comfy clothes and baseball cap. GUNS and AMMO are PROVIDED! - No Experience Needed - No Guns Required! - You will receive a signed NRA Instructor's Gun Safety Class Certificate - Also satisfies the requirements for Washington State’s Initiative 1639. - Active hands-on participation and Personal Coaching is included. - Learn the "Science of the Shot"; WHY to do things a certain way! - Laser Cartridges = No Noise, No Recoil; only $10 per 1,000 shots! - Shopping for a handgun can be both intimidating and overwhelming . . . until you take this class! - Why be at the mercy of a gun salesman who wants to make a buck, when you can be educated on terms like . . . Revolver Semi-Auto Single Action Double Action Striker-Fired Double-Single Action (huh?) Hammer Hammerless Concealed Hammer De-Cocker Decocker with Safety Sight Radius Trigger Reset Single Stack Double Stack Slide Lock Caliber Millimeter A "working" LUNCH BREAK (please bring a brown bag lunch) Class continues with pistol and revolver safety, understanding the meanings of "mm", "cal", "gr"; identifying and operating handgun parts and describing differences in types. You will learn how to safely pick up and physically clear and operate a variety of handguns for safety. We will demonstrate the proper grip of a pistol, understand the biomechanics of the grip, stock angles and limpwristing, You will identify your dominant eye and understand the relationship of sight alignment and sight picture while coordinating stance and breathing with the proper trigger press. You will learn the importance of "trigger reset" and various methods of "dry practice." You WILL have the opportunity to laser-fire a Glock 9mm and demonstrate your mastery of todays' lessons! PISTOLS COURSE TWO: Gun Carry Safety, Proficiency and Practice Click HOME Page Above for Details! This class continues with more advanced training such as holster choices and proper selection; magazines and proper loading / handling / carrying; expanding upon basic firing positions, and more. "Slow is smooth; smooth is fast" . . . Here is where you develop the PROFICIENCY to survive an encounter! |
www.inwPrep.com ~ LIVING SKILLS ~ PREPAREDNESS TRAINING: We want to share our over 100 years of combined experience. Personal, classroom and hands-on training available! It is never too late, and it's never enough. M/F, Age 13+, Bring snack, drinks, brown bag lunch, reading glasses, safety glasses, GLOVES, boots, paper & supplies, comfy clothes and baseball cap. - Russ & Jeanne were "Back to the Land-ers" before Preppers existed. - In the 1970's tradition of Foxfire, Mother Earth News, Rodale Farms, etc. - Classes, Workshops, "OJT", Projects, Hands-on work as appropriate. - Single or multiple topics per training session; Choose your menu! - We schedule your apprenticing around our farm schedule: - Your Property, Our Property, or a classroom situation. - Classroom - 10 - 4 with a "learning lunch" as low as $95 Cash each or . . . - Onsite - typically noon until 4pm on a labor exchange basis. . . or . . . - "Scholarship," work credit, hay, feed, barter, etc. instead of cash! - Choose from these, or many other, topics of interest & sustainability: Kratky Hydroponics Chickens Dairy Goats Honeybees Raised Beds Composting IBC Totes Back To Eden Gardening Square Foot Gardening Earthbox Gardening Greenhouses Hoop Houses Cold Frames Root Cellars Solar Basics Food Storage Water Storage Radios & Comms A "working" LUNCH BREAK (please bring a brown bag lunch) CALL 2o8*66o*8877 TO SCHEDULE!!! Topics above are just "tips of the icebergs" and lower fees are based upon group, rather than individual classes. As subjects may take days or even weeks to attain proficiency, we suggest a more generalist approach; start with "The Preppers' Handbook" by Tess Pennington. While you are at *m*z*n, order up several "BaoFeng UV-5R" radios. I'll teach you the ham and non-ham uses of them, as well as how to cheaply and effectively EMP-proof them. On that same order, tack on a $40 "Pink Rhino Training Cartridge" in every caliber you can find that you use; you'll need it for affordable (<<<<----) Gun Training. In many cases, it often better to get trained on the subject before running out & spending a bunch of $$ on it . . . UPCOMING EVENTS: CLASSIFIEDS: Need a temporary camper site? We are interviewing. |
Private, Family, or Group Lessons!
400 Free Survival Books and Manuals
If you want to get some free books on preparedness and emergency survival, check out the list of over 400 downloads below. We’ve gathered hundreds of survival books and manuals that are in the public domain. Many of these are full-length books, and we included the page numbers so you can quickly identify them.
To download any of them, right-click the file name and select “Save As”.
Table of Contents
§ Basic Hunting (68 pages)
§ Basics of Waterfowling (25 pages)
§ Building Plans for Poultrymen (132 pages)
§ Dangerous Animals (27 pages)
§ Dove Hunting for Beginners (11 pages)
§ Duck Hunting Tips for Beginners (3 pages)
§ Fox Hunting Basics (30 pages)
§ Geyelin’s Poultry Breeding (144 pages)
§ Handbook on Cutting Lamb (33 pages)
§ Keeping Rabbits (4 pages)
§ Plans for a Complete Beekeeping System (21 pages)
§ Poultry Appliances and Handicraft (136 pages)
§ Practical Pointers on The Care of Livestock (58 pages)
§ Trapper Education Manual (145 pages)
§ Tricks of Trapping (240 pages)
§ Whitetail Deer Hunting (124 pages)
Bushcraft and Foraging§ Beginner’s Guide to Wild Edibles (76 pages)
§ Bushcraft Leatherwork (270 pages)
§ Camp Life in the Woods (240 pages)
§ Deadfalls and Snares (248 pages)
§ Desert Awareness (10 pages)
§ FM 3-97.61 Military Mountaineering (331 pages)
§ How to Avoid Getting Lost (23 pages)
§ How to Build a Debris Hut (9 pages)
§ How to Find Your Way (21 pages)
§ How to Go Winter Camping (8 pages)
§ Knots for Mountaineering (31 pages)
§ Marine Combat Water Survival (145 pages)
§ Mini Foraging Guide (28 pages)
§ Mushrooms From Forest to Plate (42 pages)
§ Pioneering Knots and Lashings (18 pages)
§ Poisonous Plants (10 pages)
§ Ropes, Knots, Ladders, and Lashings (76 pages)
§ Signaling and Direction Finding (14 pages)
§ The Ten Bushcraft Books (195 pages)
§ Urban Foraging (166 pages)
§ US Army Mountaineering Techniques (177 pages)
§ Wilderness Survival (22 pages)
§ Wilderness Survival in the Backcountry (10 pages)
§ Winter Survival Handbook (46 pages)
Communication§ Bass Pro Shop Radio Guide (3 pages)
§ Best Buy FRS Radio Guide (6 pages)
§ Disaster Communications (22 pages)
§ Radio Amateurs Handbook (132 pages)
§ Shortwave Radio 101 (2 pages)
§ Shortwave Radio Handbook (195 pages)
§ Survival Communication 101 (5 pages)
§ Survival Communications Primer (14 pages)
§ Thoughts on Disaster Communications (4 pages)
Cooking and Fire§ Alternate Cooking Methods (11 pages)
§ Bucket Stove (3 pages)
§ Bush Fungus Stove (3 pages)
§ Coal Extenders (2 pages)
§ Cook Stove Construction (14 pages)
§ Double Drum Sawdust Stove (9 pages)
§ Dutch Oven Care (9 pages)
§ Emergency Outdoor and Bread Manual (20 pages)
§ Expedient Cooking (3 pages)
§ Fire By Can (4 pages)
§ Fireless Cooker (2 pages)
§ How to Clean a Fish (2 pages)
§ How to Render Animal Fat (1 pages)
§ How to Salt Fish (13 pages)
§ Making Charcoal (3 pages)
§ Plumber’s Stove (3 pages)
§ Rocket Stove (3 pages)
§ Sawdust Burning Space Heater Stove (10 pages)
§ Solar Cookers (58 pages)
§ Thermos Bottle Cooking (2 pages)
First Aid§ A Book for Midwives (544 pages)
§ Emergency Childbirth (4 pages)
§ Emergency Medical Kit (12 pages)
§ Emergency War Surgery (488 pages)
§ First Aid Management of Minor Injuries (29 pages)
§ Flu Home Treatment (11 pages)
§ FM 4-25-11 First Aid (223 pages)
§ FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers (263 pages)
§ Home Health Emergency Preparedness (72 pages)
§ Home Treatment of Influenza (17 pages)
§ Isolation Planning (4 pages)
§ Medical Emergencies (18 pages)
§ Medical NBC Battlebook (303 pages)
§ Medical Survival Wound Closure Manual (127 pages)
§ NATO Emergency War Surgery (306 pages)
§ Personal Wilderness Medical Kit (26 pages)
§ ST 31-91B US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook (407 pages)
§ Survival and Austere Medicine (213 pages)
Food and Storage§ 3 Month Supply in 12 Weeks (2 pages)
§ Building a Solar Food Dryer (19 pages)
§ Canning and Preserving (134 pages)
§ Canning Foods (50 pages)
§ Canning, Preserving and Jelly Making (232 pages)
§ Canning, Preserving and Pickling (319 pages)
§ Dehydrating Food (14 pages)
§ Dry It, You’ll Like It (88 pages)
§ Drying Fruits and Vegetables (12 pages)
§ Family Food Storage (12 pages)
§ Food Storage and Rodents (5 pages)
§ Food Storage for One Year (26 pages)
§ Food Storage for Survival (15 pages)
§ Food Storage in the Home (21 pages)
§ Food Storage Planner – Grains and Legumes (13 pages)
§ Freezer Bag Meals (13 pages)
§ Get Ready Now – Homeland Security (16 pages)
§ Growing and Harvesting Wheat by Hand (2 pages)
§ Hand Operated Winnower (2 pages)
§ Homemade Traps and Snares (9 pages)
§ How to Build a Solar Crop Dryer (11 pages)
§ How to Dry Fruits and Vegetables (15 pages)
§ How to Make a Solar Cabinet Dryer (18 pages)
§ Improvised Grain Mill (3 pages)
§ Intro to Drip Irrigation (3 pages)
§ Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency (3 pages)
§ Mylar Bag Sealing Methods (2 pages)
§ One Year Emergency Food Supply (5 pages)
§ Pantry Pests (4 pages)
§ Pedal-Operated Grain Mill (38 pages)
§ Plant Identification (21 pages)
§ Preparing and Canning Fermented Foods (36 pages)
§ Preservation of Fish and Meat (86 pages)
§ Preserving Vegetables (24 pages)
§ Principles of Home Canning (40 pages)
§ Pumpkin Cultivation and Post Harvest Handling (17 pages)
§ Shelf Life of Food Storage (2 pages)
§ Small Spaces, Small Budgets (26 pages)
§ Solar Dehydrator (12 pages)
§ Solar Food Drying (8 pages)
§ Stocking Food (5 pages)
§ Storage of Wheat (11 pages)
§ TACDA Emergency Food and Water Supplies (24 pages)
§ Traditional Fermented Food and Beverages (86 pages)
§ US Army – Dairy (122 pages)
§ US Army – Food Deterioration (143 pages)
§ US Army – Fruits and Vegetables (192 pages)
§ US Army – Poultry (43 pages)
§ US Army – Preservation of Foods (101 pages)
§ US Army – Red Meats (183 pages)
§ US Army – Shell Eggs (146 pages)
§ US Army – Water Foods (82 pages)
§ Vacuum Packing Seeds (2 pages)
Gardening and Composting§ 10×10 Vegetable Garden Plan (1 page)
§ 20×20 Vegetable Garden Plan (1 page)
§ A Better Way of Gardening (8 pages)
§ Backyard Composting Basics (6 pages)
§ Backyard Greenhouse (4 pages)
§ Building a Floating Hydroponic Garden (4 pages)
§ Colonial Garden Plants (78 pages)
§ Complete Guide to Home Composting (79 pages)
§ Complete Guide to Vermicomposting (80 pages)
§ Container Vegetable Gardening (2 pages)
§ Cultivating Vegetables (8 pages)
§ Drip Irrigation for Home Gardens (7 pages)
§ Farmer’s Almanac – Starting a Garden (20 pages)
§ Garden Farming (439 pages)
§ Gardening in Small Spaces (10 pages)
§ Getting Along With Your Garden (17 pages)
§ Growing Mini Gardens (4 pages)
§ Growing Sweet Corn in Home Gardens (4 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables at Home (44 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables Basics (4 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables From Seed (2 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables in Containers (2 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables in Home Gardens (20 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables Organically (12 pages)
§ Growing Voluptuous Vegetables (37 pages)
§ Home Vegetable Gardening (4 pages)
§ How to Make Fertilizer (12 pages)
§ Introduction to Organic Gardening (29 pages)
§ Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency (7 pages)
§ Mini Gardening (7 pages)
§ NC State – Growing Vegetables (4 pages)
§ NC State – Home Vegetable Gardening (24 pages)
§ Planning a Garden (4 pages)
§ Planning Your Garden (326 pages)
§ Planning a Home Vegetable Garden (4 pages)
§ Raised Bed Gardening (4 pages)
§ Seed Saving Guide (30 pages)
§ Short-Season Vegetable Gardening (8 pages)
§ Small Plastic Greenhouses (21 pages)
§ Start a Vegetable Garden (2 pages)
§ Starting Garden Transplants At Home (4 pages)
§ Starting The Garden With Transplants (4 pages)
§ Test The Soil First (5 pages)
§ The Amateur Garden (56 pages)
§ The Fall Vegetable Garden (2 pages)
§ Vegetable Garden Basics (7 pages)
§ Vegetable Gardening Encyclopedia (261 pages)
§ Vegetable Gardening in Containers (4 pages)
General Survival§ Aids to Survival (105 pages)
§ All Hazard Preparedness Workbook (60 pages)
§ Canada – 11 Steps to Survival (32 pages)
§ Captain Dave’s Survival Guide (36 pages)
§ Childcare Emergency Preparedness Toolbox (20 pages)
§ Common Sense Guide to Being Prepared (4 pages)
§ Disaster Handbook (166 pages)
§ Emergency Preparedness Manual (11 pages)
§ Family Disaster Calendar (4 pages)
§ Family Emergency Handbook (28 pages)
§ Family Emergency Plan Template (5 pages)
§ FEMA – Are You Ready? (204 pages)
§ Foxfire Book One (383 pages)
§ Foxfire Book Two (405 pages)
§ Foxfire Book Three (506 pages)
§ FRC Preparedness Handbook (140 pages)
§ How to Handle a Crisis (160 pages)
§ How to Prepare for Any Disaster (46 pages)
§ LA Fire Department – Emergency Preparedness (40 pages)
§ LDS Preparedness Manual (509 pages)
§ Life After Doomsday (182 pages)
§ National Security Emergencies (14 pages)
§ Practical Emergency Preparedness (24 pages)
§ Preparing for Disaster for People with Special Needs (20 pages)
§ Ragnar’s Urban Survival (186 pages)
§ Survival Curriculum (30 pages)
§ Survival Skills 101 (10 pages)
§ Surviving an Unexpected Emergency (14 pages)
§ Surviving in the City (9 pages)
§ The Complete Outdoorsman’s Handbook (108 pages)
§ The Elements of Surviving (33 pages)
§ United States Marine Survival Manual (180 pages)
§ US Marine Corps Survival Course (180 pages)
§ US Marine Corps Survival Manual (571 pages)
§ US Navy Seal Survival Handbook (675 pages)
§ You Will Survive Doomsday (24 pages)
Health and Sanitation§ Base Camp Hygiene and Health (11 pages)
§ Bird Flu Diagnosis and Personal Hygiene (5 pages)
§ Diabetes Disaster Preparedness (9 pages)
§ Edible Medicinal Plants (39 pages)
§ Face Masks During Pandemic (13 pages)
§ First Aid in Armed Conflicts (286 pages)
§ FM 21-10 Field Hygiene and Sanitation (161 pages)
§ FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers (263 pages)
§ Making Soap (3 pages)
§ Management of Asthma (34 pages)
§ Mass Casualty Planning and Burial (8 pages)
§ Sanitation Basics (6 pages)
§ Survival and Austere Medicine (213 pages)
§ US Army Storage and Sanitation (135 pages)
§ US Marine Corps Wilderness Medicine (375 pages)
§ Using Safe Burial Practices (6 pages)
§ Where There Is No Dentist (205 pages)
§ Where There Is No Doctor (503 pages)
§ Wilderness Medical Kit (26 pages)
Miscellaneous§ Art of War (38 pages)
§ Bug Out Vehicle Basics (4 pages)
§ Candle Making (16 pages)
§ Earthquake Preparedness (40 pages)
§ Encyclopedia of Knots (49 pages)
§ Extreme Cold Prevention Guide (15 pages)
§ Farm Blacksmithing (97 pages)
§ Fire Safety (6 pages)
§ Flood Preparation (24 pages)
§ Getting Out of Dodge (5 pages)
§ Handbook of Knots and Splices (152 pages)
§ How to Handle a Crisis (160 pages)
§ How to Use a Compass (36 pages)
§ Pandemic Planning Guidance (97 pages)
§ Rural Tanning Techniques (265 pages)
§ Sea Scout Knots (28 pages)
§ Tanning Deer Hides and Small Fur Skins (8 pages)
§ The Art and Science of Dumpster Diving (162 pages)
§ The Handbook for Practical Farmers (585 pages)
§ The Household Cyclopedia (710 pages)
§ Tying Farm Knots (6 pages)
§ Understanding and Surviving Terrorism (117 pages)
§ US Army Soldiers Handbook (80 pages)
§ Wood Burning Stoves (6 pages)
NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical)§ 11 Steps to Nuclear Survival (25 pages)
§ Chemical Emergencies (11 pages)
§ Effects of Nuclear War (154 pages)
§ Electromagnetic Pulse Threats (28 pages)
§ EMP Commission Report (208 pages)
§ EMP Executive Report (62 pages)
§ Fallout Protection (24 pages)
§ Family Fallout Shelter (32 pages)
§ FEMA – Protection in the Nuclear Age (42 pages)
§ FM 3-3-1 Nuclear Contamination Avoidance (292 pages)
§ FM 3-4 NBC Protection (195 pages)
§ FM 3-5 NBC Decontamination (229 pages)
§ FM 3-9 Potential Military Compounds (130 pages)
§ FM 3-11-4 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques (250 pages)
§ FM 4-02 Treatment of Nuclear and Radiological Casualties (180 pages)
§ FM 8-284 Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties (115 pages)
§ High Altitude EMP Assessment (17 pages)
§ Home Fallout Shelter (4 pages)
§ Nuclear War Survival Skills (317 pages)
§ Nuclear Weapons Effects (34 pages)
§ Nuclear Winter Survival (95 pages)
§ Pandemic Flu Citizens Guide (68 pages)
§ Protection in the Nuclear Age (42 pages)
§ Radiation Protection Manual (175 pages)
§ Radiological Defense Officers Course Manual (95 pages)
§ Radiological Defense Preparedness (51 pages)
§ Recovery from Nuclear Attack (24 pages)
§ Social Distancing and Pandemic Readiness (12 pages)
§ The ABCs of NBC Warfare Survival (79 pages)
§ Threat to US from EMP Attack (62 pages)
§ What to Do if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent (8 pages)
Power and Light§ Biodiesel Safety (25 pages)
§ Build Your Own Generator (5 pages)
§ Cheap Solar Power System (5 pages)
§ Choosing a Backup Generator (5 pages)
§ Concentrated Solar Thermal Power (48 pages)
§ Foot Power (6 pages)
§ Getting Started in Solar (6 pages)
§ Heat, Light and Power (4 pages)
§ Home Heating in an Emergency (4 pages)
§ Home Power Magazine (10 pages)
§ Homemade Windmills (79 pages)
§ How Do You Live Without Electricity (7 pages)
§ Low Voltage Living (5 pages)
§ Making Fire With The Bow Drill (6 pages)
§ Solar Water Heater (5 pages)
§ What If The Electricity Goes Off (10 pages)
§ Winter Power Failures (16 pages)
§ Wood Gas Generator (90 pages)
Recipes§ 60 Gift Mixes-in-a-Jar Recipes (32 pages)
§ 500+ Camping Recipes (144 pages)
§ Beef Jerky Recipes (4 pages)
§ Belgian Cookbook (175 pages)
§ Camping Recipes (150 pages)
§ Cloud City Cookbook (84 pages)
§ Dutch Oven Cookbook (27 pages)
§ Dutch Oven Grill BBQ Recipes (267 pages)
§ Fermenting Guide and Recipe Book (32 pages)
§ Genesee Valley Cookbook (122 pages)
§ Kenton Cookbook (186 pages)
§ Modern Women of America Cookbook (297 pages)
§ Most for Your Money Cookbook (256 pages)
§ Native American Health Recipes (134 pages)
§ Philmont Country Cookbook (44 pages)
§ Pleasantville Cook-book (125 pages)
§ Riverside Recipe Book (141 pages)
§ Second Parish Cookbook (189 pages)
§ Vegetarian Cook Book (428 pages)
§ Westminster Cook Book (77 pages)
Shelter§ Basement Shelter (31 pages)
§ Build a Fallout Shelter (48 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-2 (4 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-3 (4 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-4 (4 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-5 (2 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-6 (2 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-7 (4 pages)
§ Family Shelter Series PSD F-61-8 (4 pages)
§ Home Shelter Above Ground (8 pages)
§ Home Shelter Outside Concrete (8 pages)
§ In Home Shelter Manual (26 pages)
§ Seven Primitive Survival Shelters (6 pages)
§ Shelter Management Handbook (25 pages)
§ Snow Shelters (16 pages)
§ Taking Shelter from The Storm (32 pages)
§ Types of Shelters (16 pages)
§ US Army Frame Structures (135 pages)
Supplies§ 3 Day Emergency Preps (24 pages)
§ 72 Hour Supplies (4 pages)
§ Build Your Own Survival Kit (3 pages)
§ Compact Survival Kit (10 pages)
§ Emergency Preparedness Checklist (4 pages)
§ Emergency Supplies Checklist (2 pages)
§ General Supplies (3 pages)
§ The Bug Out Bag (27 pages)
§ The Ultimate Survival Kit Checklist (59 pages)
Water§ Build a Hand Pump (4 pages)
§ DIY Home Plumbing Repair (61 pages)
§ Distillation for Home Water Treatment (4 pages)
§ Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water (4 pages)
§ Emergency Water Purification (2 pages)
§ Home Made Berkey Water Filter (5 pages)
§ How to Make a Solar Still (16 pages)
§ How to Purify Water (2 pages)
§ Plants as Indicators of Ground Water (115 pages)
§ Purification of Water on a Small Scale (19 pages)
§ Purify Water in an Emergency (3 pages)
§ Rainwater Harvesting Manual (88 pages)
§ Safe Water Manual (120 pages)
§ Simple Solar Still (9 pages)
§ Slow Sand Filters (9 pages)
§ Solar Photovotaics For Irrigation Water Pumping (20 pages)
§ Water FAQ (17 pages)
§ Water Purification (6 pages)
§ Water Treatment (37 pages)
§ Wind Machine for Pumping Water (16 pages)
Weapons and Defense§ 1911 Notebook (62 pages)
§ Be Your Own Bodyguard (38 pages)
§ Canada Civil Defense Notebook (41 pages)
§ Canada Civil Defense Operations (40 pages)
§ Canada Civil Defense Public Information (17 pages)
§ Combat Survival and Evasion (126 pages)
§ Field Stripping the AR-15 (8 pages)
§ FM 3-06 Urban Combat (722 pages)
§ FM 5-20 Camouflage (104 pages)
§ FM 21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier (300 pages)
§ FM 21-76-1 Survival Evasion Recovery (106 pages)
§ FM 21-150 Combatives (223 pages)
§ FM 90-10-1 Infantrymans Guide to Combat 350 pages)
§ Knife Sharpening (4 pages)
§ Military Operations On Urbanized Terrain (368 pages)
§ Secrets of Street Self-Defence (59 pages)
§ Selecting a Handgun (25 pages)
§ SH 21-76 Ranger Handbook (327 pages)
§ Survival Battery of Firearms (8 pages)
§ Tactical Ready Guide (14 pages)
§ The Guerrilla and How to Fight Him (334 pages)
§ Total Resistance (93 pages)
If you want to get some free books on preparedness and emergency survival, check out the list of over 400 downloads below. We’ve gathered hundreds of survival books and manuals that are in the public domain. Many of these are full-length books, and we included the page numbers so you can quickly identify them.
To download any of them, right-click the file name and select “Save As”.
Table of Contents
- Animals and Hunting
- Bushcraft and Foraging
- Communication
- Cooking and Fire
- First Aid
- Food and Storage
- Gardening and Composting
- General Survival
- Health and Sanitation
- Miscellaneous
- NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical)
- Power and Light
- Recipes
- Shelter
- Supplies
- Water
- Weapons and Defense
§ Basic Hunting (68 pages)
§ Basics of Waterfowling (25 pages)
§ Building Plans for Poultrymen (132 pages)
§ Dangerous Animals (27 pages)
§ Dove Hunting for Beginners (11 pages)
§ Duck Hunting Tips for Beginners (3 pages)
§ Fox Hunting Basics (30 pages)
§ Geyelin’s Poultry Breeding (144 pages)
§ Handbook on Cutting Lamb (33 pages)
§ Keeping Rabbits (4 pages)
§ Plans for a Complete Beekeeping System (21 pages)
§ Poultry Appliances and Handicraft (136 pages)
§ Practical Pointers on The Care of Livestock (58 pages)
§ Trapper Education Manual (145 pages)
§ Tricks of Trapping (240 pages)
§ Whitetail Deer Hunting (124 pages)
Bushcraft and Foraging§ Beginner’s Guide to Wild Edibles (76 pages)
§ Bushcraft Leatherwork (270 pages)
§ Camp Life in the Woods (240 pages)
§ Deadfalls and Snares (248 pages)
§ Desert Awareness (10 pages)
§ FM 3-97.61 Military Mountaineering (331 pages)
§ How to Avoid Getting Lost (23 pages)
§ How to Build a Debris Hut (9 pages)
§ How to Find Your Way (21 pages)
§ How to Go Winter Camping (8 pages)
§ Knots for Mountaineering (31 pages)
§ Marine Combat Water Survival (145 pages)
§ Mini Foraging Guide (28 pages)
§ Mushrooms From Forest to Plate (42 pages)
§ Pioneering Knots and Lashings (18 pages)
§ Poisonous Plants (10 pages)
§ Ropes, Knots, Ladders, and Lashings (76 pages)
§ Signaling and Direction Finding (14 pages)
§ The Ten Bushcraft Books (195 pages)
§ Urban Foraging (166 pages)
§ US Army Mountaineering Techniques (177 pages)
§ Wilderness Survival (22 pages)
§ Wilderness Survival in the Backcountry (10 pages)
§ Winter Survival Handbook (46 pages)
Communication§ Bass Pro Shop Radio Guide (3 pages)
§ Best Buy FRS Radio Guide (6 pages)
§ Disaster Communications (22 pages)
§ Radio Amateurs Handbook (132 pages)
§ Shortwave Radio 101 (2 pages)
§ Shortwave Radio Handbook (195 pages)
§ Survival Communication 101 (5 pages)
§ Survival Communications Primer (14 pages)
§ Thoughts on Disaster Communications (4 pages)
Cooking and Fire§ Alternate Cooking Methods (11 pages)
§ Bucket Stove (3 pages)
§ Bush Fungus Stove (3 pages)
§ Coal Extenders (2 pages)
§ Cook Stove Construction (14 pages)
§ Double Drum Sawdust Stove (9 pages)
§ Dutch Oven Care (9 pages)
§ Emergency Outdoor and Bread Manual (20 pages)
§ Expedient Cooking (3 pages)
§ Fire By Can (4 pages)
§ Fireless Cooker (2 pages)
§ How to Clean a Fish (2 pages)
§ How to Render Animal Fat (1 pages)
§ How to Salt Fish (13 pages)
§ Making Charcoal (3 pages)
§ Plumber’s Stove (3 pages)
§ Rocket Stove (3 pages)
§ Sawdust Burning Space Heater Stove (10 pages)
§ Solar Cookers (58 pages)
§ Thermos Bottle Cooking (2 pages)
First Aid§ A Book for Midwives (544 pages)
§ Emergency Childbirth (4 pages)
§ Emergency Medical Kit (12 pages)
§ Emergency War Surgery (488 pages)
§ First Aid Management of Minor Injuries (29 pages)
§ Flu Home Treatment (11 pages)
§ FM 4-25-11 First Aid (223 pages)
§ FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers (263 pages)
§ Home Health Emergency Preparedness (72 pages)
§ Home Treatment of Influenza (17 pages)
§ Isolation Planning (4 pages)
§ Medical Emergencies (18 pages)
§ Medical NBC Battlebook (303 pages)
§ Medical Survival Wound Closure Manual (127 pages)
§ NATO Emergency War Surgery (306 pages)
§ Personal Wilderness Medical Kit (26 pages)
§ ST 31-91B US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook (407 pages)
§ Survival and Austere Medicine (213 pages)
Food and Storage§ 3 Month Supply in 12 Weeks (2 pages)
§ Building a Solar Food Dryer (19 pages)
§ Canning and Preserving (134 pages)
§ Canning Foods (50 pages)
§ Canning, Preserving and Jelly Making (232 pages)
§ Canning, Preserving and Pickling (319 pages)
§ Dehydrating Food (14 pages)
§ Dry It, You’ll Like It (88 pages)
§ Drying Fruits and Vegetables (12 pages)
§ Family Food Storage (12 pages)
§ Food Storage and Rodents (5 pages)
§ Food Storage for One Year (26 pages)
§ Food Storage for Survival (15 pages)
§ Food Storage in the Home (21 pages)
§ Food Storage Planner – Grains and Legumes (13 pages)
§ Freezer Bag Meals (13 pages)
§ Get Ready Now – Homeland Security (16 pages)
§ Growing and Harvesting Wheat by Hand (2 pages)
§ Hand Operated Winnower (2 pages)
§ Homemade Traps and Snares (9 pages)
§ How to Build a Solar Crop Dryer (11 pages)
§ How to Dry Fruits and Vegetables (15 pages)
§ How to Make a Solar Cabinet Dryer (18 pages)
§ Improvised Grain Mill (3 pages)
§ Intro to Drip Irrigation (3 pages)
§ Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency (3 pages)
§ Mylar Bag Sealing Methods (2 pages)
§ One Year Emergency Food Supply (5 pages)
§ Pantry Pests (4 pages)
§ Pedal-Operated Grain Mill (38 pages)
§ Plant Identification (21 pages)
§ Preparing and Canning Fermented Foods (36 pages)
§ Preservation of Fish and Meat (86 pages)
§ Preserving Vegetables (24 pages)
§ Principles of Home Canning (40 pages)
§ Pumpkin Cultivation and Post Harvest Handling (17 pages)
§ Shelf Life of Food Storage (2 pages)
§ Small Spaces, Small Budgets (26 pages)
§ Solar Dehydrator (12 pages)
§ Solar Food Drying (8 pages)
§ Stocking Food (5 pages)
§ Storage of Wheat (11 pages)
§ TACDA Emergency Food and Water Supplies (24 pages)
§ Traditional Fermented Food and Beverages (86 pages)
§ US Army – Dairy (122 pages)
§ US Army – Food Deterioration (143 pages)
§ US Army – Fruits and Vegetables (192 pages)
§ US Army – Poultry (43 pages)
§ US Army – Preservation of Foods (101 pages)
§ US Army – Red Meats (183 pages)
§ US Army – Shell Eggs (146 pages)
§ US Army – Water Foods (82 pages)
§ Vacuum Packing Seeds (2 pages)
Gardening and Composting§ 10×10 Vegetable Garden Plan (1 page)
§ 20×20 Vegetable Garden Plan (1 page)
§ A Better Way of Gardening (8 pages)
§ Backyard Composting Basics (6 pages)
§ Backyard Greenhouse (4 pages)
§ Building a Floating Hydroponic Garden (4 pages)
§ Colonial Garden Plants (78 pages)
§ Complete Guide to Home Composting (79 pages)
§ Complete Guide to Vermicomposting (80 pages)
§ Container Vegetable Gardening (2 pages)
§ Cultivating Vegetables (8 pages)
§ Drip Irrigation for Home Gardens (7 pages)
§ Farmer’s Almanac – Starting a Garden (20 pages)
§ Garden Farming (439 pages)
§ Gardening in Small Spaces (10 pages)
§ Getting Along With Your Garden (17 pages)
§ Growing Mini Gardens (4 pages)
§ Growing Sweet Corn in Home Gardens (4 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables at Home (44 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables Basics (4 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables From Seed (2 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables in Containers (2 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables in Home Gardens (20 pages)
§ Growing Vegetables Organically (12 pages)
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§ Home Vegetable Gardening (4 pages)
§ How to Make Fertilizer (12 pages)
§ Introduction to Organic Gardening (29 pages)
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§ NC State – Home Vegetable Gardening (24 pages)
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§ Planning Your Garden (326 pages)
§ Planning a Home Vegetable Garden (4 pages)
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§ Seed Saving Guide (30 pages)
§ Short-Season Vegetable Gardening (8 pages)
§ Small Plastic Greenhouses (21 pages)
§ Start a Vegetable Garden (2 pages)
§ Starting Garden Transplants At Home (4 pages)
§ Starting The Garden With Transplants (4 pages)
§ Test The Soil First (5 pages)
§ The Amateur Garden (56 pages)
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§ Vegetable Garden Basics (7 pages)
§ Vegetable Gardening Encyclopedia (261 pages)
§ Vegetable Gardening in Containers (4 pages)
General Survival§ Aids to Survival (105 pages)
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§ US Marine Corps Survival Manual (571 pages)
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Health and Sanitation§ Base Camp Hygiene and Health (11 pages)
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§ Edible Medicinal Plants (39 pages)
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§ Survival and Austere Medicine (213 pages)
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§ Where There Is No Dentist (205 pages)
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Miscellaneous§ Art of War (38 pages)
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§ Candle Making (16 pages)
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§ Encyclopedia of Knots (49 pages)
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§ Farm Blacksmithing (97 pages)
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§ Handbook of Knots and Splices (152 pages)
§ How to Handle a Crisis (160 pages)
§ How to Use a Compass (36 pages)
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NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical)§ 11 Steps to Nuclear Survival (25 pages)
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Power and Light§ Biodiesel Safety (25 pages)
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Top 50 Herbs (and Herb-Like Plants) to Feed Your Chickens
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- Anise: Anise is effective against some parasites and diseases.
- Basil: It's not just for spaghetti sauce. As well as having antibacterial properties, it can repel flies and mosquitoes and improves your bird's mucous membrane health for better immunity overall.
- Bay Leaves: Bay leaves are good immune system boosters, as well as antiseptics, antioxidants, and insect repellents.
- Bee Balm: Also known as bergamot, bee balm has antiseptic, calming, antibacterial, and respiratory properties.
- Borage: Borage contains a lot of calcium, as well as beta carotene and niacin, which chickens need. It is calming and can improve cardiovascular and mucous membrane health as well.
- Calendula: If your chicken becomes injured, calendula can help the healing process.
- Catnip: It's not just for cats! The sedative properties of catnip also work on chickens. The plant can also repel insects.
- Cayenne: Besides being great for circulation, cayenne is also antiseptic. It can also stimulate appetite and digestion in chickens.
- Chamomile: Chamomile is just as relaxing for you as it is for your chickens! In addition, it can deter fleas, act as an antibiotic, and even detoxify the body.
- Chervil: Chervil is another good healing agent, and it prevents bruising and illness. Its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-disease properties are due to its vitamin and mineral content.
- Chickweed: Chickweed is a natural pain reliever that is also high in vitamins and minerals.
- Chives: Besides smelling great, chive plants can also repel pests. They are also great sources of iron for your chickens and encourage them to eat.
- Cilantro: Cilantro is a rich source of vitamins A and K, which can help improve blood clotting and maintain strong bones. This herb is also an antioxidant and fungicide.
- Cinnamon: Cinnamon is beneficial to your bird's respiratory system.
- Clover: Plant clover as a cover crop or let your birds forage on wild clover. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein.
- Comfrey: A little-known herb, comfrey is both pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory. Healing wounds and promoting bone, cartilage, and muscle growth are two ways it can help. Moreover, it is rich in protein and vitamin B12.
- Dandelion: Dandelion isn't just a weed - it also stimulates laying and is great for your birds' health.
- Dill: Dill is a great relaxing herb that stimulates digestion, appetite, and serves as an antioxidant in general.
- Echinacea: Echinacea is a great antibacterial agent that can help boost immunity and respiratory health.
- Fennel: Fennel helps repel insects and promotes laying.
- Garlic: A favorite of backyard chicken keepers, garlic is an antioxidant, stimulates appetite, relieves stress, and prevents parasites.
- Ginger: Ginger can stimulate your birds' appetite as well as relieve stress. Ginger is also good for digestion.
- Goldenseal: Goldenseal is a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herb that can be used to treat wounds and other injuries.
- Hyssop: Hyssop promotes wound healing, detoxification, and circulation.
- Lavender: This herb is perfect for relieving stress and improving circulation. Plus, it keeps insects out of your coop and makes it smell absolutely amazing.
- Lemon Balm: Lemon balm has calming and antibacterial properties, as well as the ability to keep insects and rodents out of the chicken coop.
- Lemon Verbena: Another antiviral herb, lemon verbena also repels flies and pests as well.
- Lemon Grass: Not to be confused with either of the lemony herbs above, lemon grass keeps flies and mosquitoes away.
- Lovage: Lovage is a lesser-known herb that promotes mucous membrane and respiratory health. This herb is a good blood detoxifier and has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Marigold: For the brightest golden-orange egg yolks in the world, look no further than marigold. If you give your chickens marigolds, they will have healthy egg yolks along with healthy feet and beaks. The marigold is also an excellent insect repellent and laying stimulant.
- Marjoram: Another good laying stimulant is marjoram. Plus, it can improve your hens' circulatory system and serve as a decongestant.
- Mugwort: Mugwort can be used to repel lice, mites, and fleas.
- Nasturtium: Nasturtium is another good laying stimulant, as well as a natural insect repellent and wormer. In addition, it contains antibiotic properties.
- Nettles: Nettles contain a lot of calcium and protein. You will likely sting yourself if you try to harvest this one - if you leave it to your chickens, they will eat it.
- Oregano: Who doesn't like oregano? If you wish to combat diseases like avian flu, e-coli, blackhead, infectious bronchitis, coccidia, and even salmonella, this herb is a great choice. It also strengthens the immune system and offers a variety of other health benefits.
- Parsley: A perennial favorite, parsley is high in vitamins A, C, B, and K, as well as calcium and iron. In addition to improving blood vessel development, it is a good laying stimulus.
- Peppermint: Peppermint repels insects and helps against parasites.
- Pineapple Sage: Pineapple sage helps your chickens' nervous system. Plus, it smells amazing!
- Plantain: Not the banana-like variety, but the weedy variety, plantains are a great wild herb to feed your chickens. This plant has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. Moreover, it can also assist in fighting and preventing infections.
- Purple Deadnettle: Purple deadnettle is completely edible, but should only be foraged when mature. It is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal plant unrelated to stinging nettles.
- Raspberry Leaf: The raspberry leaf promotes the health of your chicken's reproductive system.
- Rose: Rose petals are not only fragrant but they are high in vitamin C as well.
- Rosemary: Another good pain reliever is rosemary. It can help keep pests at bay and enhance respiratory health.
- Sage: It is believed that sage can help combat salmonella. Additionally, it is an anti-parasite and a powerful promoter of overall health - especially when it comes to laying.
- Smartweed: This herb's name says it all - it is a great way to enhance the respiratory health of your chickens. It also has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties.
- Spearmint: Spearmint improves brain function and stimulates nerves. Additionally, it is a good antiseptic and insect repellent.
- Tarragon: Tarragon is an excellent appetite stimulant.
- Thyme: Thyme promotes good health and is anti-parasitic, antibacterial, and antioxidant.
- Wild violet: This plant has a great effect on circulation.
- Yarrow: Chickens benefit from yarrow because it clears their sinuses and respiratory systems. Moreover, it has antibacterial properties and is a great stress-reliever.